Geta Borici

Let’s find some “feschy” Christmas Presents at “Fesch’Markt” this week-end in Otakringer Brauerei

Did you ever heard of “Fesch’Markt”?

“Fesch” is a German word, very beloved in Austria and it means “nice”, “attractive”, “fashionable”.

“Fesch’Markt” is actually a big market for new Start-ups business, young Designers/Artists and private Producers.

You can find there all sort of products like art, furniture, jewelry, vintage, delicious food and drinks.

They are organized yearly in 4 big Cities/Regions of Austria: Linz, Vienna, Graz and Vorarlberg.

In Vienna is taking place this week-end starting today in the famous Beer Factory “Otakringer Brauerei”.

This is actually very nice because you get to visit the Beer Factory as well.

So in case you want to buy your Christmas presents in advance I think it’s worth visiting and I’m sure will find some “feschy” home made presents for your lovely ones.

I know for sure I will pay a visit.

Link:   feschmarkt